S/N 411 – Dario Cerrato – Destroyed

TO W67780 – 2/11/1983 – SPA Fiat – Jolly Club Totip
Ex Cerrato – Cunico – Rossi – Giorgio – Musti – Zenere –
Tortora – Eklund – Bertone – Sioli | Destroyed Rally Sanremo 1986
The week end after the crash , the plate was use on a other car !

Max Girardo stated that the Lancia 037 with Vin number “411” had been re -shelled, which is false according to the information provided.

# It is understood that during this ownership, this Lancia 037 Rally Evo2 Group B was re -shelled. This is a common practise with competition cars from this era. #

He talked about a “re -shell” But it’s a pure invention, there is no re -shell on the Lancia 037.

When the car was destroyed (411), Volta had the bad habit of transferring the Vin number of a destroyed car to a road 037 which thus became the (411) , clients prefer to rent ex works cars than street cars !

Barney Ruprecht confirmed that Girardo misled buyers about the re -shelling process.

#Yes you are correct the reshelled comment came from Girardo with further explanation.
The story told by Girardo was Volta had a number of cars and swapped things around and used a tub he had to restore the car #

Illegal and dishonest, this practice may have existed 40 years ago but how can we explain the truth today? You lie by omission or you tell the truth ?

I wrote several emails to Mr. Girardo, he always refused to answer me, however, he tried to call me many times. The words fly away, the writings remain!

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