
This is a 1969 build date 4-headlight Mangusta model.

Color = White

he very famous…or ‘infamous’ “La Dolce Vita” 1969 Mangusta is offered for sale. This car was conceived and built originally in 1995 by well known ‘hot rod’ artisans with an unlimited budget and the green light to get outrageous in detail and yet retain the gorgeous lines originally penned by Guigiaro. The result is spectacular. Upon completion of the build, It was immediately shuffled off to Concorso
Italiano in 1995 where it received the coveted ‘People’s Choice’ award, one of the top honors and certainly surprised the astute car collector crowd who was used to bestowing this honor on multi-million dollar Ferrari’s and the like. The only other time it was publicly shown was in 1998 at the POCA annual show in Las Vegas where it garnered ‘Best of Show’. (see photo with both prestigious trophies).
More than $225K was invested (in 1995 dollars) and the quality of construction and materials and execution is breathtaking.

….sure the purists are all over the “pimped’ car, the “bling bling Mangusta”… with their tireless criticism, and on and on, they have never seen it. Until you SEE the car, there is nothing in your wild imagination that ever looked this good on four wheels. It was commonly referred to as ‘the most beautiful car in the world’ and has been tucked away out of sight for more than 12 years now in private collections. This car goes beyond ‘garage art’ and deserves….’living room art’ status. Certainly not for everyone, but certainly right for just the right buyer. The car is started regularly and has travelled 170 miles in 17 years, for sure to the podium to collect trophies.



10/2020 for sale in Germany


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