S/N 179 – Andrea Zanussi

TO Y09058 – 12/07/1982 – SPA Fiat – Jolly Club
Ex Alén ? – Zanussi – Bossini – Giovanardi – Ex Audi Sport – Ex Torino Brothers

1985 – Hill Climb Car – Cronoscalata Monte Maddalena – Alberto Triboldi

Volta again Vin 179 (3 cars exist)
I have owned several factory 037 rallys and I bought the 037 Vin 179 from Audi Sport around twenty years ago.

Certainly a car that Audi studied at the time of the Gr B.
This original, unrestored 037 Gr B, was sold to a Belgian collector who resold it to 2 Italian brothers from Turin, when they wanted to register the car, it was impossible because there already existed a 037 Vin 179 in Italy.
The 2 brothers sent their precious GR B to Volta Czechia, and realized later that Volta had cannibalized their original car and parts had disappeared.

The 2 brothers, sure of the authenticity of their 037, started a lawsuit and the whole gang of Volta ended up in court, with the factory also involved.

Result, the brothers’ 037 was authenticated correct, they won and during the procedure, another 037 vin 179 was found in Japan.

So we can reasonably think that Volta’s modus operandi was to sell rebuilt cars in Japan with a, falsified identity!


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